Monday, May 05, 2008

Time to go to Nursery!!

Hello Everybody!!

Now that Im 2 years old and a little bit more, mummy is thinking that I should start going to nursery school and learning how to socialize. Of course, she first thought about the importance of nursery school some time ago, but being the lazy mummy who is addicted to channel E! that she is, hasnt got around to looking for a good school for me.

It was only after the public holiday last thursday, whereby she spent the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY with me (and nearly passed out from trying to keep up with my super high energy) that she realized my only friends were animals and teddy bears. I am bestest of friends with Achoo (the kitten), and Blossom (the dalmatian) and Turtles (the Turtles); not to mention baby blossom, winnie pooh, teddy, teddie, teddi, barney and paddington bear, who are all my soft toys.

Well, I thought I had a very active social life. Why, only yesterday I had a tea party with Achoo, the turtles and teddy (I baked the cupcakes myself) and a very good time was had by all. But NO, that is not good enough for Mummy. Mummy thinks I need to socialize with real human kids, and learn things like sharing and being kind. So now she is looking for a nursery school near my place to enroll me in. There are many choices - Montessori or not Montessori? Christian or Jewish? Chinese or English or International? With cookies at snack time, or carrot sticks? The selection is vast indeed. At the moment I am hoping that she will go for a Non-montessori Jewish Chinese with cookies school, if there is one near where we live.

Or better still, something like THIS PLACE which is totally awesome. This is a kindergarten in Berlin called Taka-Tuka-Land, which looks like the coolest kindergarten in the world. I got these pics from the cool hunter website (one of my favouritest sites)

Totally Cooollllll!!!!

You can really see how much fun the kids are having. I can almost hear the laughter coming from the pictures! I can even almost hear little voices saying "Come to Germany, little Jimi. Zher is much fun to be had here. Come. We shall have zhe frankfurts and apple pies to welcome you." Trippy.

Sadly, I dont think there are kindergartens as cool as this existing in Malaysia currently. But dont worry, when Daddy becomes a multi-millionaire (soon), I will make sure he builds one, and all of mummy's and daddy's friends can send their kids there!! Of course I will be the head prefect there and in charge of the playground discipline... so your kids might come home with a few bruises and cookies missing from their lunch boxes now and then. But hey, its a small price to pay for the previledge of attending such an awesome school!!

Sigh. One can only dream. Mummy says that most likely the kindergarten I go to will be similar to the one that she went to when she was little. In her kinder, they were forced to sing Negaraku and march in the yard every morning. For lunch they were force-fed beans and rice and after that they were forced to have nap-time (no, not on a mattress but with their heads on the desk, you can imagine how comfy that is!). Their "games" were - 1) playing with plastercine, 2) playing with clay and 3) playing with play dough. Their only play ground equipment was a rusty swing, and if you hadn't had your tetanus shots you would surely die if you played on it. Basically if you have watched the series Prison Break (Season 2), that is more or less what my mummy's kinder was like.

After hearing mummys stories, I am a little bit scared of going to any school. But of course, I have to. Its the only way to grow up.

Well, I'll keep you guys posted on the nursery news. In the meantime, lets hope daddy becomes multi-millionaire really really fast!!


Anonymous said...

LOL! This is absolutely hilarious. Jimi's da bomb ;)

Jimibot said...

Thank you, Anna. I will send you a cookie through the email for your nice-ness. Take care!