Friday, May 09, 2008

Daddy Is Sick!!

Yay, yay, Daddy is Sick, Daddy is Sick!

Mummy and I are so happy and dancing and prancing like witches around a cauldron.

Daddy is hardly ever sick and hardly ever takes a day off work. He is always soldiering on even though he has athsma and sinus really bad sometimes. But this time, he has been sick for a few days and suffering very badly. He is dripping like a tap and even coughing up reddy-brown poo poo yuk yuk. Poor Daddy.

But good for us! You see, now Daddy is sick, he hardly goes out at nighttime and is always at home in bed. I can cuddle up to him and play with him anytime. Sure, he is grumpy if I make too much noise but I dont mind at all. Mummy is having a ball getting him medicine and water and drinks and tucking him in when he is already asleep. She says she used to play doctors and nurses with her dollies all the time when she was little, and now its like Daddy is her little dolly. Only Daddy wouldnt like being treated like a dolly so mummy does most of the dolly stuff when hes asleep.

Plus, every night is movie night in bed!!! Yay!

But of course, its no fun for Daddy to be suffering so much. So everynight when I say my prayers, I do pray my very hardest to Jesus that Daddy will be well again very soon. Then he will be off again, for work and events and friends and business networking and I will hardly see him. I will sure be sad and miss the cuddles and playing. But at least he will be happy again.
I love my daddy. Bye Bye!

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