Friday, December 08, 2006

My First Xmas is a-coming!

Hi everybody! I know its been a looong time since I had a chance to blog. I was sick for a while with fever and water poop (called died-rear, sure smells like it) and so tired all the time. But I am better now, and luckily just in time for christmas too!

Mummy says christmas is baby jesus' birthday. So I googled baby jesus and found out from that God made jesus out of lego. And that is why many kids get lego for christmas. And I learnt the whole bible and all the stories from the brick testament and that Joo babies have to have their little fireman snipped. Hee hee.

Mummy says I cant have lego for christmas because I will only choke on it. That is quite true so instead I would like to get this really cool pee & poo set:

It even comes with tattoos and underwear! I like it so much. Now I can play with my pee & poo without making a mess. I also like it because it looks so much like mummy & daddy. Mummy is yellow and daddy is brown and his name is also Poo! Mummy is a Pong and Daddy is a Poo and that is why they got married. So Mr. Santa, if you are reading this please get me a pee & poo set for christmas and I promise I will be a good boy forever. And for Tracy please get her a cool doggie hood so she can be a rap artist like snoop.

Thank you santa, and have a berry merry christmas everybody!