Thursday, May 15, 2008


Everybody, lookie what I found! This was me when I was in my mummy's tummy (about 3 months? Can't remember) Wow it really does look like me!
*Sigh* I do remember the good ol times when I used to just float around and suck up my food through a tube.
But how come my body looks like a Chicken drumstick? Thank goodness that got sorted before I came out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good on ya Mum!

ohohdjfd, Im so excited for mummy! Today her client unexpectedly bought 2 units of the Westin REsidences in Auckland! Thats like some sorta miracle cause these apartments are RM2 million each and really not that easy to sell. So mummy did RM 4 million today, YAY! Mummy was so happy she called me immediately. I was at Ramlas house watching TV and having some snacks. She said she needed my help to talk to her boss.

So heres the game plan. Shes going to make me all dirty and rub some mud into my eyes and cheeks to make us look very poor and suffering. She'll take me to work and apologise that there is nobody to look after me. She has to work so hard on weekends that on weekdays she has no choice but to babysit me and go to work at the same time.

Then, while I am eating my lunch of plain rice porridge in the office, she will gently approach her boss about getting 1% comission. Of course the boss will say no, and so I will toddle in and say "please boss, please." and give him my big puddle eyes. Then the boss will agree to 0.5%, which mummy will take and then complain about how stingy her boss is.

What a clever plan! I'll keep you guys updated on how it works out ok?

Thank Goodness I Survived Mothers Day!

Whew! I was soo stressed out cause of Mothers Day. It was so much pressure for me cause I know that Im mummy's only little boy, and if I dont get her something nice then she wont have anything at all. And then Nana too, what will I get her? And Poh Poh? Triple pressure I tell you! It was all too much for a little 2 year old like me.

First of all I didn't even know it was Mothers day, until the day before, when mummy reminded me. Thats when the pressure began. I tried to ask daddy for help but it was clear that he was still all sickly and WASNT EVEN GOING TO GET HER ANYTHING. I went to my Alliance bank virtual pet piggy bank but I didnt know how to open it to get the money out. It was clear that I would have to take something from Nanas room and give it to mummy, and then take something from Mummy's room and give it to Nana.

So to cut a long story short, I did a whole lot of messes, which resulted in Nana's underwear being in mummys drawers among other things, when finally I found $200 from Auntie Sue in an ang pow from my first birthday. I guess mummy must have missed that one!

I was so happy! In the end, I bought mummy dinner at Atria and I bought Nana a rose scented candle in an embroidered bag. I didnt get Poh Poh anything cause she is in Melbourne.

Whew! thank goodness thats over and everyone is happy. What did you get your Mum for mothers day?

Friday, May 09, 2008

Daddy Is Sick!!

Yay, yay, Daddy is Sick, Daddy is Sick!

Mummy and I are so happy and dancing and prancing like witches around a cauldron.

Daddy is hardly ever sick and hardly ever takes a day off work. He is always soldiering on even though he has athsma and sinus really bad sometimes. But this time, he has been sick for a few days and suffering very badly. He is dripping like a tap and even coughing up reddy-brown poo poo yuk yuk. Poor Daddy.

But good for us! You see, now Daddy is sick, he hardly goes out at nighttime and is always at home in bed. I can cuddle up to him and play with him anytime. Sure, he is grumpy if I make too much noise but I dont mind at all. Mummy is having a ball getting him medicine and water and drinks and tucking him in when he is already asleep. She says she used to play doctors and nurses with her dollies all the time when she was little, and now its like Daddy is her little dolly. Only Daddy wouldnt like being treated like a dolly so mummy does most of the dolly stuff when hes asleep.

Plus, every night is movie night in bed!!! Yay!

But of course, its no fun for Daddy to be suffering so much. So everynight when I say my prayers, I do pray my very hardest to Jesus that Daddy will be well again very soon. Then he will be off again, for work and events and friends and business networking and I will hardly see him. I will sure be sad and miss the cuddles and playing. But at least he will be happy again.
I love my daddy. Bye Bye!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Fashion is for Babies

Hi Everybody!

Recently I was having a meeting about next years Jimilo with my PR Agency, discussing about which kiddie labels we should get in the show. I told them i wanted something really drama that will knock the socks of everybody, not stuff like osh kosh or even baby gap which is more like everyday clothes and stuff. Who cares if nobody is ever going to wear it? It makes a good show, and thats the only way to kick ass of Stylo and make sure daddy comes to Jimilo instead!

(Ps. I was gonna link Stylo but then I found out they dont even have a website! Haha, LOSERS! Anyway, for those who dont know, Stylo is some Fashion Festival that always steals my daddy away by being on the same day as my birthday. And now they face my wrath. Rar!!!!)

Now if you've ever seen me around in the park or going shopping, you would probably have noticed me cause of my super cute face and big puddle eyes. But NOT because of my clothes. Cause although I have one or two nice pieces, most of my clothes are super daggy.

Mummy always says "You'll outgrow them in a few months, and anyway, theres no one to impress when you're only 2 years old." But the truth is, she is calculating in her head the price of that cute Baby Gap t-shirt and how many pairs of shoes she can get for herself with the same amount of money!! The answer is 2 pairs, therefore my clothes are forever and always from Babyland/Tesco/Anakku sales. =(

Daddy is much less stingy. He understands that when I look good, he looks good. That is why he got me a real dapper suit from Vietnam, a three piece with pinstripes. When Im big enough to fit into it, I will wear it with my sunglasses. I will hang out with Uncle Tony and 'take care of business' like the Mafia es mi familia. But that will happen only when Im 3 years old or so. Until then, I AM DAGGY. Arrh!!

This is why sometimes I daydream that some cute little woodland creatures will come by and sew me a pretty outfit and get me some cute shoes with buckles and not velcro. Something like this:

Totally CUTE right!! Can you imagine, if you saw this kid on the street, you would totally give him whatever he wants, right. You'ld give him a lollipop, cookies and then all your money. Cause he got style.

And even though his mummy is totally dorky in her big frilly red & white panties, she manages to pass herself off only because she is walking next to the super styling kid. Instead of coming off as a nut-case, she manages to pull it off as 'exotic', thanks to the kid. If only all mummies understood, such is the power of well-dressed offspring!!

Vavavoom! Oh mummy, can I have me a Venetian Boaters hat for my birthday, please? Only, can I have it without the Scary Flamenco Dancer Lady on the side?

Ok, I wouldn't wear this obviously, but I posted it anyway cause I think white summer dresses are the most refreshing look on little girls. And I would totally share all my cookies with THAT LITTLE GIRL. She a cutie pie!

The designer for the boys outfits is Margarita Friere from Spain. I like her kids stuff but not really the mummy and daddy outfits. Sorry Margarita. If you give me a free hat maybe I will reconsider. The little girl outfit is from Camilla Franks, Aussie designer.

Needless to say, I will be sending them cookies and doing lots of PR with them to get them to come to Jimilo!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Time to go to Nursery!!

Hello Everybody!!

Now that Im 2 years old and a little bit more, mummy is thinking that I should start going to nursery school and learning how to socialize. Of course, she first thought about the importance of nursery school some time ago, but being the lazy mummy who is addicted to channel E! that she is, hasnt got around to looking for a good school for me.

It was only after the public holiday last thursday, whereby she spent the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY with me (and nearly passed out from trying to keep up with my super high energy) that she realized my only friends were animals and teddy bears. I am bestest of friends with Achoo (the kitten), and Blossom (the dalmatian) and Turtles (the Turtles); not to mention baby blossom, winnie pooh, teddy, teddie, teddi, barney and paddington bear, who are all my soft toys.

Well, I thought I had a very active social life. Why, only yesterday I had a tea party with Achoo, the turtles and teddy (I baked the cupcakes myself) and a very good time was had by all. But NO, that is not good enough for Mummy. Mummy thinks I need to socialize with real human kids, and learn things like sharing and being kind. So now she is looking for a nursery school near my place to enroll me in. There are many choices - Montessori or not Montessori? Christian or Jewish? Chinese or English or International? With cookies at snack time, or carrot sticks? The selection is vast indeed. At the moment I am hoping that she will go for a Non-montessori Jewish Chinese with cookies school, if there is one near where we live.

Or better still, something like THIS PLACE which is totally awesome. This is a kindergarten in Berlin called Taka-Tuka-Land, which looks like the coolest kindergarten in the world. I got these pics from the cool hunter website (one of my favouritest sites)

Totally Cooollllll!!!!

You can really see how much fun the kids are having. I can almost hear the laughter coming from the pictures! I can even almost hear little voices saying "Come to Germany, little Jimi. Zher is much fun to be had here. Come. We shall have zhe frankfurts and apple pies to welcome you." Trippy.

Sadly, I dont think there are kindergartens as cool as this existing in Malaysia currently. But dont worry, when Daddy becomes a multi-millionaire (soon), I will make sure he builds one, and all of mummy's and daddy's friends can send their kids there!! Of course I will be the head prefect there and in charge of the playground discipline... so your kids might come home with a few bruises and cookies missing from their lunch boxes now and then. But hey, its a small price to pay for the previledge of attending such an awesome school!!

Sigh. One can only dream. Mummy says that most likely the kindergarten I go to will be similar to the one that she went to when she was little. In her kinder, they were forced to sing Negaraku and march in the yard every morning. For lunch they were force-fed beans and rice and after that they were forced to have nap-time (no, not on a mattress but with their heads on the desk, you can imagine how comfy that is!). Their "games" were - 1) playing with plastercine, 2) playing with clay and 3) playing with play dough. Their only play ground equipment was a rusty swing, and if you hadn't had your tetanus shots you would surely die if you played on it. Basically if you have watched the series Prison Break (Season 2), that is more or less what my mummy's kinder was like.

After hearing mummys stories, I am a little bit scared of going to any school. But of course, I have to. Its the only way to grow up.

Well, I'll keep you guys posted on the nursery news. In the meantime, lets hope daddy becomes multi-millionaire really really fast!!