Friday, October 13, 2006

Gaa gaa

Yesterday I baked 2 cakes... one was a lovely golden brown and the other spinach green. I thought grandma would be rally pleased becoz she always gets excited when I bake cakes, like "Oooohh, Jimi did a chichi!". I baked lots but then daddy came home and took me upstairs and he cleaned me up and threw all my cakes away so I couldnt show grandma after all. =(

Only 2 more days until I turn seven! then I will be a teenager and I can drive my own car. Im driving pretty good now. Last nite all the big people put me in my walker, which is like a baby car with wheels and all, and I was going really fast zoom zoom all over the place! Mummy says shes really proud of me that I can do it so fast, but she says I have to work on my parking. Whatever, I dun even know what that is. Right now Im working on running over Tracey.

This is the car I wanna drive when I grow up. Im gonna kick that white teenagers ass and then take his car and drive it back to my crib.

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